UFC Fighter’s Biggest Bank Heist

Varun Rai
9 min readMar 1, 2021


A man with a stopwatch yells orders to the crew as they unlock vaults and pile money

into the truck sitting at the loading dock. The robbers are heavily armed;

they have locked the Securitas staff in metal cages as they expertly maneuver their way

through the building. Piles and piles of cash are loaded into the getaway vehicle.

The Securitas Depot Heist is under way. It will be the largest cash robbery in British history,

but who is the mastermind behind it?

The man with the stopwatch calls out timing and coordinates the movements of the robbers.

Then, as suddenly as the heist started, it’s over. The robbers leave the facility

without tripping a single alarm or alerting the authorities in any way. As they drive

away the man with the stopwatch around his neck removes his mask

and smiles. It is UFC fighter Lee Murray. He’s stolen over £53 million.

Lee Murray was an MMA fighter who had a chance to make it big in the UFC. But how

did this once famous fighter end up carrying out the biggest bank heist in British history?

Why did he do it? These questions and more will all be answered, but first let’s take

a look at what created the fighter turned bank robber Lee Murray in the first place.

Murray grew up in Woolwich, South East London. At an early age he joined a gang called the

Barney Boys, named after the Barnfield Estate housing projects they lived in.

Murray was incarcerated as a juvenile at the Feltham Young Offender Institution for

selling marijuana and crack-cocaine. It was in his rough early years that he learned how

to fight, not because he wanted to, but because he had to in order to survive.

Lee Murray was known as a ferocious puncher. In fact, Robbie Lawler, a former UFC welterweight

champion, remembers Murray during their time training at Peacocks Boxing Gym together.

In an interview with Sports Illustrated Lawler said “Murray had world class punching power.”

He would hit the mitts and it would sound like gunfire.

Murray fought in several smaller promotional fights before receiving a contract with the UFC.

His record upon entering the Ultimate Fighting Championship was 8–2–1. Although Lee Murray

only ended up competing in one UFC fight, he did not disappoint. Murray entered the arena

to a screaming electric guitar playing over the loudspeakers and wearing a Hannibal Lecter mask.

In his one and only UFC appearance, Murray won against Jorge Rivera

in the first round using a triangle choke/armbar. However,

he never got to fight in a UFC match again. There were complications with

his United States visa because of an ongoing criminal investigation against him in Britain.

The crime that Murray was being tried for was a vicious assault during a road rage incident.

Lee Murray continued to fight in different MMA promotional events such as Cage Rage,

but his fighting career came to an end when he was stabbed multiple times in a bar fight. This event

happened at a birthday party for TV actress Lauren Pope, at a bar called Funky Buddha. Murray stated

that the fight broke out when one of his friends got into an altercation with another group of men.

Murray tried to step in and help his friend who was being pummeled by six other guys.

The chaos escalated when one of the attackers pulled a knife and stabbed Murray in the head.

Murray recalls thinking the stab was actually a punch, so he wiped the blood from his face,

and kept on fighting. Then he got stabbed again and again, not noticing until the fight came

to an end. Murray looked down at his chest to see blood literally shooting out of it.

The irony is that this was not the first time Murray had encountered a knife at Funky Buddha.

A week before the almost fatal stabbing Murray got into a fight with another gentleman at the

bar who pulled a knife and slashed off one of Murray’s nipples. You would think that would

be enough to keep Murray away from the bar for a bit, but as it turns out, it was not.

These two stabbing events put an end to Murray’s traditional MMA career. He would not be able to

enter the ring for many months, and even when his wounds did heal, there was most likely permanent

damage that would prevent him from fighting again. His days of mixed martial arts were over.

Over the course of the next year Murray and others in his gang planned a bank heist.

It would be the largest robbery in British history. On February 21, 2006

Murrary led his gang of robbers on a job that stole £53,116,760 from the Securitas Depot.

The setup for the crime was done weeks in advance. Murray had one of the members of

the gang named Ermir Hysenaj interview to work the night shift at the Securitas Depot.

A few months before the heist Hysenaj sat down for a ten minute interview;

Hysenaj was hired on the spot for 11 dollars an hour. This inside man wore a camera on his

belt buckle and recorded all the going ons inside of the holding facility. With this information,

Murray and his accomplices made a plan on how best to steal the money within the walls of the vault.

The heist started not at the depot itself, but on a backcountry road leading to the

house of Mr. Colin Dixon. Dixon was a high level manager at the depot and had security access to

all the parts of the facility Murray needed to get into. On February 21st

Murray and one of the other robbers dressed up in fake police uniforms

and outfitted a car with blue flashing lights to disguise it as an unmarked police car.

Dixon pulled over his car; two uniformed men approached the driver side window.

One of the phony officers flashed a fake badge and ordered Dixon to step out of the vehicle.

At the exact same time, a second group of kidnappers were sent to

Dixon’s house to collect his wife and son. The family was transposed to Elderen Farm

and threatened at gunpoint to either cooperate or die. The family, along with the armed robbers,

were loaded into the back of a large transport truck and drove to the Securitas Depot.

Murray and his gang of robbers reached the depot just after midnight on February 22nd.

The truck was accompanied by the fake police car that pulled Dixon over the previous evening.

Dixon was brought to the door of the facility accompanied by a man dressed in a fake police

uniform. Dixon and the robber were buzzed in. As they entered the facility the fake

police officer overpowered the security guard and buzzed in the rest of the gang.

They entered the facility wearing masks and brandishing machine guns, shot guns, and pistols.

As the robbers made their way through the facility with their high powered weapons,

Dixon ordered the workers of the graveyard shift to think of their families and surrender

willingly. Luckily for the robbers none of the workers tripped any of the alarms, which meant

they would not be disturbed by the authorities that night. 14 people were taken by the robbers,

tied up, and secured in metal cages for money transport as the gang plundered the depot.

Once all of the workers were rounded up Murray forced Dixon to shut down

the security system completely and hand over the keys to the vault. At this point

the truck that the robbers had ridden to the depot pulled up to the loading dock.

The team of robbers loaded bags of cash into the truck as the man with the stopwatch,

who was later identified as Lee Murray, yelled timing and orders. It was clear that this was

a well thought out heist that took time to plan and coordinate. The robbery went off without a

hitch. No one was physically injured, and not a single shot was fired. The alarms remained off

for the entirety of the robbery. Once the truck was loaded up with over £53 million worth of bank

notes, the gang left. The workers and Dixon family were kept locked in the money cages.

Around 3:00 A.M. Dixon’s son was able to squeeze through the bars of the cage

he was being held in and call the police. But at that point it was too late. Murray and his

gang of robbers were long gone; no one had any idea who they were or where they went.

The police immediately set out to find the criminals offering massive

rewards to anyone who had information that would lead to the arrest of the robbers.

The large reward for information, along with missteps from members of the gang,

led to arrests only days after the robbery. After ten days five people were charged and

millions of pounds were recovered. Later in the investigation a make-up artist who had made

prosthetic masks for the robbers turned on the gang and testified against them. It was later

reported that the gang put a bounty on her head for 7 million pounds to stop her from leaking

any more information to the police. Things were unraveling quickly. But the main piece of evidence

that helped the police track down the robbers came from none other than Lee Murray himself.

Days before the bank heist Murray crashed his bright yellow Ferrari. After the accident Murray

left his cell phone in the car. On it was a recording of him talking about the robbery

with other members of the gang. Now the police knew who the mastermind behind the Securitas

Depot Heist was. Unfortunately for the cops, Murray was already one step ahead of them.

When members of the gang started being picked up by the police Murray fled to Morocco.

Once in Morocco Murray was protected from British authorities because there was no

extradition treaty between the countries at the time.

Murray’s father had been born there, which granted Lee Murray automatic citizenship.

Once safely in Morocco, Murray began living a life of luxury. He bought a one million dollar

mansion and then dumped hundreds of thousand of dollars into renovating it. He had a massive mural

painted on one of the walls commemorating his only fight in the UFC. Murray drove around in a

gold Mercedes-Benz and installed a multilevel, fully equipped, gym in his mansion. He also

commissioned bronze and gold statues of himself that he used as decorations around the house.

This extravagant lifestyle didn’t come without its pitfalls. The British and Morrocan

authorities began working closely together to keep surveillance on Murray at all times.

Eventually, Morrocan police arrested Murray on drug charges. Then, in 2009 while in jail,

British authorities became involved in his case. Murray knew he was in trouble. He attempted to

escape prison using small saws that were smuggled inside a plate of biscuits. This escape failed.

A year later, Lee Murray was charged and convicted for his

part in the Securitas Depot Heist. He was sentenced to ten years in jail,

which was eventually extended to twenty five years to be served in a Moroccan prison. Other

members of his gang who made it to Morocco were sent back to Britain to serve their time there.

Lee Murray’s story is unlike any other. He had a rough childhood being raised in a gang run

neighborhood where he learned to fight or die. He spent time in jail as a juvenile because of

his affiliation with the Barney Boys and his job as a drug runner. Then he used his fighting skills

to earn notoriety. He fought hard and made it all the way to the UFC, living the life

of a playboy along the way. When everything came crashing down after being stabbed numerous times,

ending his fighting career, Murray went back to what he knew from his childhood,

crime. He was able to pull off the largest bank heist in British history

where he and his accomplices stole £53,116,760. Unfortunately for Lee Murray,

he eventually got caught and is now serving his twenty five year sentence in a Moroccan jail.

Now check out Largest US Cash Heist Ever — How They Pulled Off Insane Armored Truck Robbery.

Or watch Insane Way Bank Robbers Executed Perfect Bank Heist (Stole $20 Million).



Varun Rai

A knowledge freak especially in the field of travelling.